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  • Job title: Sales Manager


    operating duty:

    1. Earnestly implement the company's sales management regulations and implementation rules, and strive to improve their own sales, service and business level;

    2. Actively complete the sales tasks formulated by the company and provide customers with active, enthusiastic, satisfactory, thoughtful and meticulous services;

    3. Be responsible for signing sales contracts with customers, ensuring the normal and timely performance of sales contracts, and completing the tasks of sales receivables on schedule;

    4. Timely handle and properly solve the problems in the process of product sales and use;

    5. Collect front-line marketing information and user opinions, and put forward reference opinions on the company's sales strategy, publicity and after-sales service;

    6. Fill in various required forms, daily work log, summary and report;

    7. Strictly require oneself to attach importance to the interests of the company, do not ask for rebates, and hand over gifts of money and materials to the company for treatment, abide by national laws, and do not constitute an economic crime;

    8. Complete the tasks assigned by the direct superior.

    Job requirements:

    1. College degree or above;

    2. Men and women are not limited;

    3. At least 3 years sales experience;

    4. Good communication and sales skills;

    5. Have affinity, struggle spirit, desire for success, strong pressure resistance and learning ability;

    6. Have the courage to conquer big customers;

    7. Rich customer resources are preferred;

    8. Successful cases in similar industries are preferred;

    Apply for position

    Job title: Warehouse Supervisor


    operating duty:

    1. Formulate the department work plan and organize the implementation of the plan to ensure the achievement of the work plan;

    2. Organize to check the quantity, specification and model of finished products, check the surface quality and packaging of finished products, and supervise and guide the warehousing management of materials;

    3. Supervise the daily maintenance of finished products in stock to ensure that the finished products are placed reasonably, neatly and orderly;

    4. Guide the preparation, loading and distribution of outbound materials, verify the arrangement of loading personnel and loading methods, supervise the outbound management of materials, and deal with problems in time;

    5. Regularly organize inventory of finished products, cooperate with financial sampling, and ensure the consistency of accounts, cards and materials of inventory materials;

    6. Review various material reports to ensure accurate data and report to relevant departments in time;

    7. Organize and improve the operation process of loading, unloading and distribution, reasonably allocate personnel, and improve the efficiency and standardization of loading, unloading and distribution;

    8. Assist in the regular maintenance of ERP logistics module to ensure that the data in the system reflect the dynamic inventory status of warehouse materials in real time;

    9. Strengthen the construction of warehouse management team, regularly evaluate the performance of subordinate employees, guide, motivate and train department employees to improve work efficiency;

    Job requirements:

    1. College degree or above, male or female;

    2. At least 5 years relevant warehouse management experience;

    3. Be familiar with the system and process of material storage and distribution management of the company;

    4. Familiar with warehouse management knowledge, logistics management related knowledge and ERP management system;

    5. Be familiar with the performance, specification and model of materials under their jurisdiction

    6. Have a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit, and have a certain pressure resistance psychology;

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    Job title: Electrician

    Location: Jiangyin, Jiangsu

    operating duty:

    1. Be responsible for the installation, repair and maintenance of high and low voltage lines, motors and electrical equipment of the company and the workshop;

    2. Be familiar with the use, structure, principle, performance, operation and maintenance of power and electrical equipment within the jurisdiction;

    3. Strictly abide by the circuit technical regulations and safety regulations issued by the Ministry to ensure safe power supply and normal operation of electrical equipment;

    4. Often go to the site to patrol and check the condition of electrical equipment and its safety protection;

    5. Participate in the commissioning acceptance of major and medium repairs of the repaired equipment as required;

    6. Master the use methods of tools, measuring tools and instruments used and keep them carefully to save spare parts, materials and oil.

    Job requirements:

    1. Technical secondary school degree or above, major in electrical related, with electrician certificate;

    2. Be responsible for the repair, maintenance, installation and overhaul of electrical equipment in substation and plant area; More than two years working experience in electrical equipment maintenance or installation, chemical enterprise experience is preferred;

    3. Practical, hardworking, good team spirit, service awareness and strong communication skills;

    4. Shift work is preferred.

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    Job title: mechanic

    Location: Jiangyin, Jiangsu

    operating duty:

    1. Cooperate with the team in the operation, maintenance and repair of equipment;

    2. Equipment operation inspection, hidden danger tracking and treatment, daily equipment leakage and zero emergency treatment;

    3. Participate in the monthly maintenance of each machine and complete various maintenance tasks with quality and quantity;

    4. Record the work of the machine and register the original account;

    Job requirements:

    1. Technical secondary school or above, major in mechanical fitter and similar;

    2. More than three years working experience;

    3. Able to bear hardships and stand hard work, with the ability to independently analyze and deal with faulty equipment;

    Apply for position

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