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  • Rationalize work and reduce seven wastes

    Training on "rationalization of work and reduction of seven wastes"

    In the face of the challenges of globalization, high quality and high efficiency, training is more important. Training can significantly improve and improve employees' knowledge, skills and attitude, so as to improve enterprise efficiency and obtain competitive advantage.

    The quality of employees determines the quality of enterprises. Only with high-quality talents can we talk about sustainable development. Training not only increases the overall value of enterprise human capital, but also improves the value of the enterprise itself. The company deeply understands the importance of training and pays attention to the training of production management personnel in the annual training plan.

    In November 2015, several principals of our company's overseas production department went to the training school to participate in the training course "rationalization of work and reduction of seven wastes" organized by vmta. Waste refers to all activities, methods, behaviors and plans that cannot directly create value. This course mainly explains the waste of resources in our work, and there are mainly the following seven wastes in the production process: 1. Waste of waiting; 2. Waste of handling; 3. Waste of defective products; 4. Waste of action; 5. Waste of processing; 6. Waste of inventory; 7. Create excessive and premature waste. Through the training, trainees deeply realize that the improvement of competitiveness is the basis for enterprises, and reducing costs and waste is one of the necessary means for enterprises to improve competitiveness.


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