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  • Safety production education and training

    On September 14, the production safety training teachers gave safety training to our company, and asked the first question to our production staff and safety officers: -- what is safety? It has aroused your thinking.


    "Safe production is benefit, stability, health, happiness, image and development".


    From the perspective of production safety management, safety is a very serious problem, involving social, family and personal safety. Generally speaking, doing a good job in safety production is the premise to ensure the long-term and stable operation of enterprise production and create good economic benefits; From a small point of view, it is to ensure the healthy and happy life of every family and every member. Safety runs through everyone's daily work and life. In case of an accident, it is ourselves who will be most hurt, whether at work or after work. Therefore, we should always be vigilant.

    Educate new employees to change their ideas from "want me to be safe" to "I want to be safe" and "I will be safe".

    Improving safety awareness and enhancing safety responsibility is the top priority in the production process of enterprises.

    After the training meeting, all employees of our company participated in the fire drill.


    In the first part, the training teacher explained the use methods of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants and how to prevent fire and put out initial fire.


    The second part then demonstrated the correct use of fire extinguishers on site, and let Meiyuan employees actively participate in fire-fighting operation drills to improve everyone's actual fire-fighting ability.


    Let's bear in mind the security mission and build a security barrier for Meiyuan.

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