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  • Conditions and principles of adhesive formulation design

    1、 Conditions of adhesive formulation design

    Natural and synthetic, organic or inorganic substances that can connect two or more kinds of bonding or materials through the adhesion of the interface and the cohesion of substances are collectively referred to as adhesives, also known as adhesives, which are customarily referred to as adhesives. (related reading: absolutely full of dry goods, what do you have to know about adhesive product development and design!)

    In short, adhesive is a substance that can bind the adherends together through adhesion.

    The so-called cohesion is the state in which the particles in a single substance are combined by the main valence bond force (including ionic bond, covalent bond, coordination bond, metal bond, etc.) and the secondary valence bond force (including van der Waals force and hydrogen bond).

    The cohesion of adhesive is related to intermolecular force, relative molecular weight, crosslinking degree, crystallization and molecular winding.

    When selecting or designing adhesives, we must clearly understand that as adhesives, we must meet the following requirements:

    1. No matter what state it is at room temperature, it must be liquid during construction or coating.

    2. The surface of the adherend can be completely spread and fully wetted.

    3. After construction, the adhesive must be solidified or condensed into a tough and stable adhesive layer in some way

    4. After curing, it has sufficient strength to reliably connect, transfer stress and resist damage according to bonding requirements

    5. After bonding, it can meet the climate and environmental test of specific requirements

    2、 The adhesive formulation design shall follow the following basic principles

    1. Meet the requirements of the service environment and function of the adherend, that is, select the raw materials with appropriate performance and design the reasonable formula according to the application environmental conditions and functions.

    2. Meet the design performance requirements of adhesive products and adherends, that is, meet the design requirements of adhesive form, viscosity, adhesive layer thickness, curing conditions, bonding performance, etc; Meet the design performance of the adherend for the main purpose of connection and sealing.

    3. Meet the application process requirements, that is, when designing the formula and selecting each component, fully consider the limiting factors of the application process, and prepare the adhesive that can be used for spraying, brushing, dipping, heating composite and other application process conditions.

    4. Meet the requirements of performance / price ratio optimization, that is, when designing the adhesive formula, be sure to calculate the cost of each component of the adhesive. On the basis of meeting the bonding and sealing performance, try to use raw materials with rich sources and low price.

    Adhesive, plastic, synthetic rubber, synthetic fiber and coating are called the five synthetic materials.

    Adhesive must not be understood as a simple mixture of several components, but involves a high degree of integration of multiple disciplines, including polymer chemistry, material chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical transfer, chemical thermodynamics, chemical reaction engineering, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, polymer physics, physics, rheology, biology, management, aesthetics, etc.

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