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  • VH Line Foam-dedicated Double-sided Tape



    1. Features

    Good initial tack and ease for quick bonding, and good rebound and warp proof features, with a considerable level of temperature resistance; a dedicated tape for bonding foams.

    2. Composition

    Special Solvent-based polymer adhesive


    Special Solvent-based polymer adhesive

    Double-sided PE coated silicone release paper

    3. Application

    Suitable for bonding all kinds of foams and sponges, especially PE and PU cell foams used in household appliances industry.

    4. Tape Performance

    Product CodeBaseAdhesive TypeThickness(μm)Effective Glue Width(mm)Length (m)ColorInitial Tack(mm)Peel Strength(N/25mm)Holding Power(h)
    VH-090TissueSpecial Solvent-based adhesive90±51040500/1000Translucent≤100≥18≥3
    VH-110TissueSpecial Solvent-based adhesive110±101040500/1000Translucent≤100≥20≥5
    VH-130TissueSpecial Solvent-based adhesive130±101040500/1000Translucent≤100≥22≥5

    Note:1. Information and data are for universal values of product testing, and do not represent the actual value of each product.

            2. Tape comes with a variety of double-sided release paper (normal or thick white release paper, kraft release paper, glassine paper, etc.) for clients’ choice.

            3. Tape can be customized according to customer need.

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