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  • Woven and Mesh Type Composite Aluminum Foil Tape



    I. Features

    Consistent with veneer surface appearance, with high tensile strength and tear resistant with high rupture resistance.

    II. Application

    Used for higher duty needs or bonding of interface and seams of vapor barrier with same surface appearance.

    III. Tape Performance

    Product CodeBase Material NameAdhesiveInitial Tack(mm)Peel Strength (N/25mm)Temperature Resistance(℃)Operation Temperature(℃)Features
    T-FPW765Woven composite aluminum foilSolvent-based acrylic adhesive≤200≥18-20~+120+10~+40Consistent with veneer surface appearance, with supple base material and smooth adhesion.
    HT-FP7336Mesh composite aluminum foilSynthetic rubber adhesive≤200≥18-20~+60+10~+40Densified mesh base material, with high tensile strength and tear resistance; with good initial tack and easy for quick bonding.
    T-FSV1808BHeat sealingmesh reinforced aluminum foilSolvent-based acrylic adhesive≤200≥18-20~+120+10~+405*5mm square mesh, tape with good tack and high temperature resistance.
    T-FSV1808BWHeat sealingmesh reinforced aluminum foilSolvent-based acrylic low temperature resistant adhesive≤50≥18-40~+120-5~+405*5mm square mesh, tape with good weather resistance, maintaining excellent initial tack under low temperature, suitable for low temperature operation.
    HT-FSV1808BHeat sealingmesh reinforced aluminum foilSynthetic rubber adhesive≤200≥18-20~+60+10~+405*5mm square mesh, with good initial tack and easy for quick bonding.

    Note:1. Information and data are for universal values of product testing, and do not represent the actual value of each product.

            2. Tape in parent roll has a width of 1200mm, and small volume width and length can be customized according to customer request.

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