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  • Double-sided Reinforced Aluminum Foil Insulation



    I. Features

    Double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties.

    II. Application

    Used for re-bonding various insulation materials, and as the heat insulation and vapor barrier layer for air ducts in steel-structure buildings or central air conditioning systems. May also be used as sound and heat insulation material for high-rise buildings, theaters and concert halls, etc.

    III. Product Properties

    Product CodeProduct ConstructionFeatures
    DFC-1001A7μm Aluminum foil/PE/8*12/100cm2,Three-way fiberglass mesh/60gKraft/PE/7μm Aluminum foilLight weight, three-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties.
    DFC-1001B7μm Aluminum foil/PE/Space 12.5*12.5mm, Two-way fiberglass mesh/60gKraft/PE/7μm Aluminum foilLight weight, two-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties.
    DFC-2001A7μm Aluminum foil/PE//8*12/100cm2, Three-way fiberglass mesh/110gKraft/PE/7μm Aluminum foilMedium weight, three-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties.
    DFR-1001A7μm Aluminum foil/Retardant plastic/8*12/100cm2, Three-way fiberglass mesh/60gKraft/Retardant plastic/7μm Aluminum foilLight weight, three-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties, as well as some flame retardance.
    DFR-1001B7μm Aluminum foil/Retardant plastic/Space 12.5*12.5mm, Two-way fiberglass mesh/60gKraft/Retardant plastic7μmAluminum foilLight weight, two-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties, as well as some flame retardance.
    DFM-1001A7μm Aluminum foil/PE/8*12/100cm2, Three-way fiberglass mesh/60gKraft/PE/12μm Aluminized filmLight weight, three-way fiberglass mesh, double-sided reflective insulation, with good insulation results, high vapor barrier power and sound insulation properties.

    1.Above products come in a routine width of 1.25m, with length customizable per customer request.

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