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  • Fiberglass Cloth Aluminum Foil Tape



    I. Features

    Has outstanding vapor barrier and extremely high mechanical strength and oxidation resistance, with strong cohesion, corrosion resistance and weak acid and alkali resistance.

    II. Application

    Suitable for pipe sealing splicing and heat insulation and vapor barrier of HVAC duct and cold/hot water pipes, especially the pipe sealing in shipbuilding industry.

    III. Tape Performance

    Product CodeFoil Thickness(mm)AdhesiveInitial Tack(mm)Peel Strength (N/25mm)Temperature Resistance(℃)Operation Temperature(℃)Features
    T-FG**010.007/0.014Solvent-based acrylic adhesive≤200≥12-20~+120+10~+40High tensile strength and tear resistance; tear resistant, with supple base material and smooth adhesion.
    T-FG**01R0.007/0.014Solvent-based acrylic flame-retardant adhesive≤200≥12-20~+120+10~+40High tensile strength and tear resistance; tear resistant, with supple base material, smooth adhesion, and good flame retardance.
    T-FG**01RW0.007/0.014Solvent-based acrylic low temperature resistant flame-retardant adhesive≤50≥12-40~+120-5~+40High tensile strength and tear resistance; tear resistant, with supple base material, smooth adhesion, and good flame retardance; with good low temperature resistance and suitable for low temperature operation.
    HT-FG**010.007/0.014Synthetic rubber adhesive≤200≥15-20~+60+10~+40High tensile strength and tear resistance; tear resistant, with supple base material and smooth adhesion; with good initial tack and easy to operate.

    Note:1. Information and data are for universal values of product testing, and do not represent the actual value of each product.

    2. Tape in parent roll has a width of 1200mm, and small volume width and length can be customized according to customer request.

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