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  • VM Line Heavy Duty Temperature-resistant Double-sided Tape



    1. Features

    Strong bonding power and good adhesion hold, and rebound and warp proof with a considerable level of temperature resistance.

    2. Composition

    Solvent-based acrylic polymer adhesive

    Tissue /PET

    Solvent-based acrylic polymer adhesive

    Double-sided PE coated silicone release paper

    3. Application

    Suitable for cutting and stamping, and for application in bonding and fixation of badge plates, film switches and security labels.

    4. Tape Performance

    ProductCodeBaseAdhesiveTypeThickness(μm)EffectiveGlueWidth(mm)Length  (m)ColorInitialTack(mm)PeelStrength(N/25mm)HoldingPower(h)TemperatureResistance  (℃)

    Note:1. Information and data are for universal values of product testing, and do not represent the actual value of each product.

            2. Tape comes with a variety of double-sided release paper (normal or thick white release paper, kraft release paper, glassine paper, etc.) for clients’ choice.

            3. Tape can be customized according to customer need.

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